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General Scheme for the Allocation of Electric Power Objects until 2020

General Scheme for the Allocation of Electric Power Objects until 2020

динамика акций gen electric

The document precedes the second General Scheme for the Allocation of Power Objects (until 2030) and reaffirms the objectives of the Energy Strategy of the Russian Federation until 2020. The policy examines measures to ensure stable supply of thermal heat and power, foster the sustainable development of electricity sector using the potential of technology, and mitigate negative impacts on the environment. Art. 6.

General Electric Company operates as a high-tech industrial company worldwide. It operates in Power, Renewable Energy, Aviation, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Transportation, Lighting, and Capital segments. The Power segment offers technologies, solutions, and services related to energy production, including gas and steam turbines, generators, and high voltage equipment; and power generation services. The Renewable Energy segment provides wind turbine platforms, and hardware and software; offshore wind turbines; solutions, products, and services to hydropower industry; and blades for onshore and offshore wind turbines.

The Capital segment leases and finances aircraft, regional jets, turboprops, freighters, engines, helicopters, as well as offers financing and materials; financial and underwriting solutions; and insurance services. The company was founded in 1892 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts. The policy contributes to an enabling policy environment for supporting technology advances in the electric power industry of the Russian Federation (art. 1 ‘Objectives and Priorities of the General Scheme for the Allocation of Power Objects until 2020’). Crucial is the need for increasing the share of renewable energy – hydropower and nuclear – in the energy mix—Develop viable regulatory frameworks for the industry improving infrastructural capacities and ensuring effective participation of all electricity market players.

RUSSIAN FEDERATION: General Scheme for the Allocation of Electric Power Objects until 2020

Improve the system of land management tightening requirements for the allocation of land areas for power plants construction.

  • Crucial is the need for increasing the share of renewable energy – hydropower and nuclear – in the energy mix—Develop viable regulatory frameworks for the industry improving infrastructural capacities and ensuring effective participation of all electricity market players.
  • The Oil & Gas segment offers oilfield and oilfield equipment, turbomachinery and process solutions, and digital solutions.
  • Art. 6.
  • It operates in Power, Renewable Energy, Aviation, Oil & Gas, Healthcare, Transportation, Lighting, and Capital segments.
  • The company was founded in 1892 and is headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts.

Gross electricity generation, million kwh

—The Russian Federation shall accelerate efforts to support the development of electric power grid infrastructure. — An excessive emphasis is placed on the issue of depreciation of hydropower facilities. Total capacity of obsolete power plants reaches 39 percent, including thermal power plants – 51,7 million kW (40 percent of installed capacity), hydroelectric plants – 24,7 million kW (50 percent of installed capacity). Art. 2 stresses that 40,5 percent of assets are worn out (the equipment of substations – 63,4 percent). —Art.3.

The Oil & Gas segment offers oilfield and oilfield equipment, turbomachinery and process solutions, and digital solutions. The Aviation segment provides jet engines and turboprops for commercial airframes; maintenance, component repair, and overhaul services, as well as replacement parts; and additive machines and materials, and engineering services. The Healthcare segment provides healthcare technologies in medical imaging, digital solutions, patient monitoring, and diagnostics, drug discovery, biopharmaceutical manufacturing technologies and performance enhancement solutions. The Transportation segment provides freight and passenger locomotives, and rail and support advisory services; parts, integrated software solutions, and data analytics; software-enabled solutions; mining equipment and services; and marine diesel engines, and stationary power diesel engines and motors for drilling rigs, as well as overhaul, repair and upgrade, and wreck repair services. The Lighting segment offers light emitting diode products; and energy efficiency and productivity solutions.

Investments shall be expanded to projects on the exploration of the Barentsevo Sea continental shelf concealing oil deposits, construction of the oil transmission pipeline Kharyaga-Indiga, exploration of the Verkhneochonskoe and Talakanskoe oil and gas-condensate fields. A general strategy for the development of power industry in the Russian Federation.

динамика акций gen electric